One Health for all

The event would involve various activities and initiatives, including:

1. Social media challenges: I can take part in challenges related to rabies prevention, such as sharing personal stories about pet vaccinations, posting pictures of  vaccinated pets, or creating educational materials from global alliance for rabies elimination about rabies prevention.

2. Infographics and educational posts: I can share infographics and educational posts about rabies prevention and control measures on their social media accounts. These posts can include information about the importance of vaccinating pets, recognizing the signs of rabies in animals, and seeking immediate medical care after potential exposure.

3. Personal testimonials: I  can share personal testimonials about my experiences with rabies prevention and control, such as stories about how their pets were vaccinated or how they sought medical care after a potential exposure. These testimonials can help create a personal connection and encourage others to take action.

4. Collaboration with influencers: I can collaborate with social media influencers who have a large following to amplify the message of rabies prevention. Influencers can create dedicated posts or videos about the importance of vaccinating pets and share personal stories related to rabies prevention.

5. Hashtag campaign: I can use a dedicated hashtag for the event to track engagement and create a sense of community. The hashtag can be used in all related posts and I can encourage their followers to use it as well.

By organizing a Personal Social Media Rabies Awareness Week, the project can leverage the power of social media to reach a wide audience and raise awareness about rabies prevention and control measures. This event can encourage individuals to take action, share information with their networks, and contribute to the overall goal of eliminating rabies by 2030.

Event images

United People Global Tercha Water Community