
Rabies Elimination Progress

Latest SARE score: 1.5 (2017)
In-country SARE assessment done: No

The Stepwise Approach towards Rabies Elimination (SARE) is a practical planning, monitoring and evaluation tool to guide, develop and refine rabies control programmes. It provides measurable steps, designed as a logical flow of activities, to progress from Stage 0 to Stage 5, in efforts towards freedom from dog-transmitted rabies. 


A SARE score of 1.5 out of 5 signifies a country where small-scale rabies control programs are in place and the country is working towards developing a national rabies control programme.


2018: SARE assessment at a PARACON meeting
Zimbabwe (Harare province) SARE assessment_PARACON 2018.xlsm
2017: SARE assessment at a PARACON meeting
Zimbabwe SARE assessment_PARACON 2017.xlsm
2016: SARE assessment at a PARACON meeting
Zimbabwe SARE assessment_PARACON 2016.xlsm
2015: SARE assessment at a PARACON meeting
Zimbabwe SARE assessment_PARACON 2015.xlsx

Epidemiological Data

Click on the interactive graphs above to view modified results. View more interactive country data.

In-country Capacity Building

February 2021

GARC, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and the University of Zimbabwe, implemented a KAP survey for rabies in Harare.

Published data can be found here.  

July 2019

After an online training session hosted by GARC, diagnosticians operating from the central veterinary laboratory are using the Rabies Case Surveillance (RCS) component of the Rabies Epidemiological Bulletin to record and map the location of each animal diagnosed for rabies.  

September 2018

GARC supported Zimbabwe's World Rabies Day with a donation of coloured collars, needles, syringes and by facilitating a three day mass vaccination event in the city. 

September 2018
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "New WHO recommendations on human rabies immunization and results of Gavi’s Learning Agenda on rabies & 2nd international meeting of the Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARACON)" (more information)

February 2018

Launched the strategic dog vaccination campaign in response to the rabies outbreak in and around the city. GARC donated 25,000 doses of vaccine, animal handling equipment and GARC Data Logger devices. Published data can be found here.

December 2017

GARC compiled all of the surveillance and epidemiological data of the Harare outbreak to assist in the planning and implementation of a strategic dog vaccination campaign. Published data can be found here.

September 2017
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "2nd sub-Regional PARACON meeting" (more information)

October 2016
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "Southern African Rabies Community" meeting (more information)

June 2016

Offline Rabies Educator Certificate (REC) and Animal Handling and Vaccination Certificate (AVC) training workshop held in-country. The workshop resulted in 38 new REC graduates and 27 new AVC graduates.

June 2016

GARC provided practical training and guidance on the humane handling and vaccination of dogs.

June 2016

GARC undertook a DRIT training course in Harare in June 2016. The training equipped the Central Veterinary Laboratory staff in Harare to do confirmatory testing and also decentralised rabies diagnosis to the Bulawayo provincial laboratory.

June 2015
South Africa

Network / Workshop participation:
Attended the "Inaugural Pan-African Rabies Control Network (PARACON) meeting" (more information)